Hotmeal Food Aid with Numee Gardenia

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Yesterday, YFBM in collaboration with Numee Gardenia handed over Hotmeals food aid to homeless people in Jalan Chow Kit.
The estimated recipients of aid yesterday were about 500 individuals, the handover of this aid was done at the DBKL Community Learning Center.
This handover program was made possible with the cooperation of our NGO partner, Food4U and also Sahabat Jariah Malaysia. Participating during the handover session was renowned artist Fizo Omar.
A big thank you to all the bodies that made yesterday’s program a success, especially Numee Gardenia, Food4u, Sahabat Jariah Malaysia, Miata Malaysia and also Fizo Omar’s brother. Not forgetting the volunteers who worked hard regardless of energy in making our program a success yesterday.
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