Lend your Helping Hand

Help the people in need by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for their life. Donate now.


How much would you like to donate? Did you know? Every Rm5 You Donate Provides 1 Meal To Someone In Need! As a contributor to Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia we make sure your donation goes directly to supporting their needs. Thank you for your generosity!

Who's giving today?
The data and information provided by you will be used by us as a reference. Your data and information are stored securely. We’ll never share this information with anyone.
Personal Info

Here's what you're about to donate:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total
Billing Details

Donors may kindly approach any nearest Maybank branch for making their donations or contributions through Cash Transfer or by Online Banking to our official Maybank Account:

Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia
5660 1063 0584

  1. Login to your current bank account through their official website or applications.
  2. Select Instant Transfer as payment method.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to donate.
  4. On the references of the transfer, indicate that the donation is for "Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia"
  5. Save your payment proof
  6. Once done, please fill up the form below for our references.

Visit Tax Exemption Receipt Application to claim your tax-exemption receipt. Dont forget to save the payment receipt as a proof of transaction.


Donation Total: RM25